lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

Sesion 19 by Biel Prat

Part 1
JPEG is the most popular among the image formats used on the web. The JPEG files lose many images. It is lost from the original image when it is saved to a JPEG file. This is because discards most of the information. But JPG has the most quality images.
Part 2:This is my album about IES Icaria

Sesion 17 by Biel Prat

This is my document about Iya Traore

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

Session 7 by Biel Prat


1.-Internet terms

1-It is an abbreviation  information technology=TRUE     
2-the internet and the world wide web (WWW) are the same thing=TRUE
3-A browser is a person who enjoys looking at the WWW=FALSE 
4-You can see pictures and words on-line but you cannot listen to sounds=FALSE
5-You need the newest, fastest computers to use the web=FALSE
6-Most internet users are men=TRUE
7-@ is called ''at'' in english=FALSE

2.-Match the words to their definitions:
1-Browser=software that lets you access to WWW
2-To download=to get programmes from the internet
3-To chat=to have a conversation trough the interenet by writing or speaking
4-Email=letters you send by internet
5-A modem=thing that connects a computer to the internet
6-wi-fi=wireless device that allows computers to connect to the internet using a router
7-on-line=when you are connected to the internet
8-software=computer programmes
9-scroll down/up=move the page up or down using the side taps with your mouse

3.-Choose the best word to complete these sentences
1-Use a fast modem to connect my computer to the internet
2-Real player is computer hardware that you use to listen to music on the world wile web
3-i always save my documents on floopy disks
4-Chat is a good way of meeting other people on the internet
5-A beep is a sound your computer makes when there is an error

4.-answer these questions
1-That a search engine finds documents & files and a browser finds webs, images,...
2-I use Play store the most
3-I use Google the most

lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Sesion 6 by Biel Prat

Session 6

1-What brand is your computer?
-My computer is asus.
2-What is the operating system of you computer?
-The operating system of my computer is windows.
3-Which web browser(s) does your computer use?
4-How many buttons sre there in your mouse?
-There are 3 buttons
5-Does your computer use a CD-ROM drive? And a DVD drive? And USB drives?
-Yes, it has
-Yes, it has
-Yes, it has
6-Find these keys on your keyboard. Check each key as you find it and write the symbol next to its name.
-Return(enter)=tornar                                          -hyphen or dash=
-Space bar=barra espaciadora                              -period or dot=.
-Shift=majúscula                                                 -comma=,
-Tab=tabolador                                                   -colon=:
-Delete=esborrar                                                -right parenthesis=)
-Control=control                                                 -slash=/
-Escape=sortir                                                    -at symbol=@
2-Match these word processing-terms withg their definitions.Then compare your answers with a partner.
-Click=press and relase the button on the mouse.
-highlight=select text/images with the mouse.
-file=text or other data stored together with a special name
-menu=a list of computer operations
-cursor=a litttle arrow on the screen that moves when you move the mouse
-icon=a small picture or symbol
-window=a box on the screen that shows information
-word processor=text or other data stored together with a special name.
3-Match these word processing commands with their definitions below
3-cut and paste
8-save as