lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

Session 7 by Biel Prat


1.-Internet terms

1-It is an abbreviation  information technology=TRUE     
2-the internet and the world wide web (WWW) are the same thing=TRUE
3-A browser is a person who enjoys looking at the WWW=FALSE 
4-You can see pictures and words on-line but you cannot listen to sounds=FALSE
5-You need the newest, fastest computers to use the web=FALSE
6-Most internet users are men=TRUE
7-@ is called ''at'' in english=FALSE

2.-Match the words to their definitions:
1-Browser=software that lets you access to WWW
2-To download=to get programmes from the internet
3-To chat=to have a conversation trough the interenet by writing or speaking
4-Email=letters you send by internet
5-A modem=thing that connects a computer to the internet
6-wi-fi=wireless device that allows computers to connect to the internet using a router
7-on-line=when you are connected to the internet
8-software=computer programmes
9-scroll down/up=move the page up or down using the side taps with your mouse

3.-Choose the best word to complete these sentences
1-Use a fast modem to connect my computer to the internet
2-Real player is computer hardware that you use to listen to music on the world wile web
3-i always save my documents on floopy disks
4-Chat is a good way of meeting other people on the internet
5-A beep is a sound your computer makes when there is an error

4.-answer these questions
1-That a search engine finds documents & files and a browser finds webs, images,...
2-I use Play store the most
3-I use Google the most